The Employment Relationship and Its Rebuilding in the View of Social Capital: from the Employees of Transnational Corporations Involved in Trade Union on 社会资本视野的雇佣关系再造:由跨国公司员工参与工会生发
On Employment of College Students as a Group in Short of Social Capital 大学生中社会资本缺失群体的就业探讨
Research on Impacts on the Employment of Social Capital Research University Graduates 社会资本对研究型大学毕业生就业的影响研究
Remittance of transferred labor narrowed the gap of urban and rural, reduced rural employment pressure and provided a certain amount of capital funds; 已转移劳动力即农民工的汇款缩小了城乡差距,减小了农村的就业压力,为农村的发展提供了一定数量的资本金;
Chinese industrial structure of employment accords with Petty-Clark's thesis, labor of information industries becomes the largest part of employment, the importance of human capital also becomes more and more great, we should develop information industries to improve employment, and develop our education. Theorem C. 我国的就业产业结构符合配第-克拉克定理,信息业成为拉动我国就业的主要力量,人力资本对我国就业的重要性也日益凸显,应大力发展信息产业,并同时加强人力资本投资。
With the disappearance of rigid employment contract and increasing intenseness of human capital competition, turnover has become a great obstacle to the development of the firms. 随着传统刚性用工体制的消失以及企业间人才竞争的加剧,员工离职成为影响企业正常发展的巨大障碍。
The author maintains that re-employment labor market help the allocation of human capital, but at the same time there still remains apparent institutional segments. 再就业劳动力市场有助于人力资本的合理配置,但是也存在明显的体制性分割。
Severe employment situation has aggravated the risk of personal manpower capital investment of higher education. 严峻的就业形势,加剧了个人高等教育人力资本投资风险,并对投资的合理发展带来不良影响。
The aim of the model was to realize substantial development, and the main content was about structural social problems. The social cost model system included three parts: the cost of employment and penury, the cost of human capital and the saving cost by improving institution. 在可持续发展的目标下,以结构性社会问题为对象的社会成本核算体系主要包括三个部分:就业与贫困成本、人力资本和制度节约成本。
Foreign Direct Investment and Its Employment Effects in China& On Analyses of Human Capital 外商直接投资与就业&一个人力资本分析框架
At present, in our country, the core employment is mainly composed of the employment in private enterprises and individual enterprises, the employment in enterprises of new capital forms, and the employment in state agencies and public institutions. 在我国目前,能构成核心就业的主要有私营企业和个体企业的就业、新型资本形式企业的就业和国家机关和事业单位的就业。
On the Problem of Labor and Employment Under the Readjustment of Capital Organic Constitution 有机构成调整下劳动就业问题的思考
This article analyzes concretely the different employment's mechanism of the capital effect and the technical effect of foreign direct investment, at the same time proposes the corresponding policy measure to make contribution to China's employment. 本文具体分析外商直接投资的资本效应与技术效应对就业的不同作用机制,同时提出相应的政策措施,以期对我国就业问题的解决有所贡献。
The preference for the development of large industrial enterprises will result in serious unemployment and inadequate consumption owing to the increasing ratio of capital to labor capital and hence the decrease of labor force employment affected by the decreasing ratio of profit to capital and increasing labor cost. 如果偏重于发展大工业企业,由于资本利润率下降和工资成本逐年上升规律,其资本有机构成随之要提高,就业的劳动力相对就越来越少,会发生严重的失业和消费不足;
This research is to proceed from visual angle that the position obtains, Manpower capital, influence function on graduate's employment of three main factors of social capital and idea of choosing a job in transformation period of society of comparative analysis. 本研究就是从地位获得的视角出发,比较分析社会转型期人力资本、社会资本和择业观念三个主要因素对大学毕业生就业的影响作用。
This paper states that the measures are according to the studies in the field of the impact on employment of human capital, benefit level, the duration of benefit and benefit mode. 德国采取这些措施的理论依据是人力资本、失业保险给付水平、给付期限和给付方式对再就业影响的研究。
Our empirical study on the effect and influence of social capital upon university graduates employment behavior concluded that different possession amount of social capital has different possession of graduate sources and utility; 通过社会资本对高校毕业生就业行为的作用和影响的实证分析可得出以下结论:不同的社会资本拥有量对高校毕业生就业资源的获取与利用不同;
However, with the capital deepening and technical progress, the capital investment brings less employment opportunities than before, and it also means that the employment elasticity of the capital is declining gradually. 但随着我国资本深化和技术进步,资本投资带来的就业却是越来越少了,也即资本就业弹性是递减的。
Nowadays, with the vigorous development of economy, tertiary industry has become the main force of national economy for every country. In fact, it not only effectively promotes economic development, but also helps ease the employment pressure and accelerate the return of monetary capital. 随着世界经济的蓬勃发展,第三产业已经成为各个国家经济发展的主力军,它不仅有效地促进经济发展,而且在缓解就业压力,回笼货币资金等方面都有显著成效。
This article analysis the problems of the employment services of migrant workers by social capital theory, and propose measures of improving the employment service system of migrant workers. Social capital theory is a main theme running through this article. 本文采用社会资本理论分析农民工就业服务中存在的问题,并基于此理论提出相应的完善农民工就业服务体系的对策,社会资本理论是贯穿本文的一条主线。
Employment problem is related to the earlier theory of social capital research, social capital social status of individuals to obtain the significance of the research for scholars is also home to be widely confirmed. 虽然就业问题是社会资本理论较早研究的领域,在现实社会中,社会资本和个人地位的获得具有重要的关系也是国内外学者普遍认可的。
In the mean time, public employment training is a crucial approach of human capital investment. Hereby, Human Capital Theory and Neo-Economic Growth Theory also provide theoretical foundation for this paper. 同时,公共就业培训是人力资本投资的重要途径,因此,人力资本理论和新经济增长理论也应是本文重要的理论基础。
We suggest that the government should promote full employment of labor, strengthen the cultivation of human capital and make the best of potential demographic dividend. 政府应该促进劳动力充分就业,加强人力资本的培养,挖掘潜在的人口红利。
This research will help to enrich and improve the repertory of the employment of the graduates; human capital theory; promote ability construction; and offers the theoretical basis for the subject of research and improve the system of the school curriculum. 从理论意义来看,本课题研究将有助于丰富和完善大学毕业生就业的理论宝库;完善人力资本理论;促进能力结构研究;为各学科交流和学校建立完善的课程体系提供理论依据。
Employment of child labor under capital system is the product of the capital mode of industrialization and specially historical phenomenon. 资本雇佣制度下的童工是资本主义工业化模式的产物和特殊历史现象。
He wrote: credit the highest limit, and industrial capital the employment, namely, regardless of the consumption of the industrial capital extremely tight production capacity. 他写到:信用的最高限度,和产业资本的最充分的就业,也就是不顾消费界限、极度把产业资本的生产能力拉紧的现象。
Then further deal with the employment effect of the information technology under the manpower capital investment, and analyses from the microeconomics. 在此基础上进一步研究人力资本投资下的信息技术进步就业效应,并从微观上进行分析。
And the study established the six variables, and proposed eight assumptions about the relationship between the graduates 'employment and these two kinds of capital. 并就社会资本和人力资本与大学生就业之间的关系提出了六个变量,建立了八个基本假设。
Three aspects analyzed the labor forces outgoing employment influence to demand of human capital investment. I draw a conclusion that human capital is the important factor which influenced rural labor outgoing employment. 通过分析得出人力资本是影响劳动力外出就业的重要因素。
Employment structure of social capital is the most significant structure of social capital, and cognitive effects on social capital is not significant. ( 4) Research on the social capital and regional economic growth convergence. 结构性社会资本中的就业结构社会资本最为显著,而认知性社会资本的影响并不显著。(4)社会资本与区域经济增长空间趋同研究。